Wednesday, May 31, 2006
now it's two oclock in the usuall..chenjia slept after the long phone talk with his galefriend...nai chong went to bed after reading his i am the only one awake in this rum now..juz feel like writing sth..
tday juz went for the SMO open's ok for me to do very badly cuz i never expect from that..but it juz give a stronger feeling that i am realli out of the prc circle in this school..cuz after that we went for the physics course..when i sat at the back row..i realise that i onli noe one out of the thirty ppl down there..and everyone was involved in their discussion in the's a very weird feeling when u dun noe anione that u r supposed to noe..
also along the way i realli feel that i am alreadi far behind them .when the ppl talk about some name of the paradox or principle..i was like wat the hell is that..while other ppl can give a lof of comments and analysis on it...from this pt i realli tink i am too commited to other things and it's realli the time to sit down and catch up..
however ..the council sessions are going to start this Saturday while guitar club also starts the preparation for SYF next year...i am realli in a severe lack of time and energy...i should have done a proper plan beforehand....
also for the's quite true that we r too complacent and self-centred..we were thinking that everyone in the school realli respect council and give us the full support which is not the least from the feedbacks i get...a lot of ppl juz regard the councilors as a group of retarded ppl who onli noe how to cheer .dance
sing school songs onli...
it's again for me quite a unpleasant signal cuz i tink we realli spend a lot of time and is realli true that we have tried our veryvery best..but if ppl realli cannot appreciate the one can say anithing...
ok..tday crap quite a lof..actualli nothing much..juz to express my feeling...
now go and mug le.....
tian cheng rox | 10:58 AM | commentlink
Monday, May 29, 2006
haha finalli solved my handphone problem...i am so pleased that no need to pay 80 plus per month for the singtel handphone bill....
tday juz went for the Relativity course's actualli a very gud course the lecturer is realli gud..but the problem is the concepts there r rather abstract and r realli difficult to understand..dun noe how they can actualli come out with those laws by imagination...
eh..aniway tday is officialli the first day of the june holiday..see that a lot of ppl went back the hosel is rather empty...actualli i tink it's fine to stay here ..can mug for block test...
tday ppl all went for the class chalet...i cannot sad..
tian cheng rox | 10:09 AM | commentlink
Sunday, May 28, 2006
my new no.
haha tday juz went to buy a new phone..
my new no. is 91914743
tian cheng rox | 11:08 AM | commentlink
Monday, May 22, 2006
tday juz went around and read a lot of friends' blogs...realli hope i have ust msn space at the first place...or i have some talent ppl help me to change the blog setting or anithing to let me type in chinese...cuz my english is so lousi..i dun noe how to express a lot of things in english...
aniwai....juz receiv the calendar for June luks quite fine which means i will have a quite free june holiday for me to enjoy...but now realli got a lot of problems embarked me and i realli need some time and energy to solve them...juz hope everything will be fine....
and my friends also..some of them juz undergone a realli difficult time..and now cms the thing itself is turning towards a positive direction..juz hope all the best for them... bday is coming..
tian cheng rox | 9:00 AM | commentlink
Sunday, May 21, 2006
<< When You Say Nothing At All >>
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I can never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Try as they may they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
The smile on your face(You say it best...)
The truth in your eyes(when you say nothing at all.)
The touch of your hand(You say it best...)
Lets me know that you need me(when you say nothing at all.)
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
(You say it best when you say nothing at all)
it's an old song...but juz tink it is nice....
tian cheng rox | 10:59 AM | commentlink
Thursday, May 18, 2006
haha..tml is actualli the last day of the week..cuz next week is the sabbaticals..haha very slack...
erm..need to start planning for the holiday alreadi..i tink it's quite full...but not realli very still can play quite a lot i tink..haha..
other than that is the block test...i tink i did quite well for the recent few tests..hope this can bring me good luck for the coming block test...
tian cheng rox | 9:07 AM | commentlink
Sunday, May 14, 2006
vj haicheng...
yesterday went for the vj's a nice show...i tink it's quite wired but indeed yesterday is more of a gathering of all the prc sholars...realli meet up with a lot of friends...mabo..xia'en..laoda...ji...lulu...etc..realli enjoy talking to them....juz realliz that the life in dunman hostel is so near but yet so far...after the short gathering..everyone got to go back to their own life..either full of joy or full of pain...but realli love all those friends...
dun noe why ...realli tink hwa chong hostel is realli more of a hostel but not a home for me...still rmb the time when we laugh at mabo for every single action he did...we go to the guard house to get the key to on the lights to play bball until the guard drive us away....our dear "diexian"...the katong lan shops...all the memories juz happen to flash in front of me...dun realli noe how to describe the feeling...
haha...juz stop here..dun wan to get too deep into emotions ...tml got chem test..
tian cheng rox | 5:41 AM | commentlink
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
juz realise that havent updated my blog for long now is busy but fun..but i tink it's time for me to put in more effort into studi...the block test is right after the june holiday..and i am quite far lagged behind for econs and chem...and i wanna try to apply for my H3 subject...realli need to mug hard i tink..but realli not in the mood for mugging...everytime when i sit down and open books there will be sth distract me....
but i tink it's ok...i will get to the right track soon...
tml got two tests gud luck for me!
tian cheng rox | 9:00 AM | commentlink
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
the council stuff is getting heavier and heavier..last saturday we sit inside the LT from 8 to 5 pm for election and tday also i spent 15hours in school...and..the most retarded part is that the exco azk me and other two person to compose a song by friday..the song requires melody, base, guitar accomplyment and lyrics..and they say until like its damn simple...
we spent the whole day tday juz finish the melody..and we havent set the pitching yet..cuz they say the song muz be easi to sing and galez and guys can harmonise well..and i am damn weak at pitching..i am like dying there..somemore need to write base and accomplyment..and i onli have two days
and there are like tonnes of homework and tutorials left in my bag which are not attended at all ..oh my god...mugging!!!
tian cheng rox | 7:42 AM | commentlink