Monday, August 29, 2005

u still havnt change your password....
ha ha...tmr i got a lot of tests...
yet i am slacking in your blog..ha ha..
thats really wierd....
you veri de zi lian eh....shou bu liao....
anyway.. good luck for your chi and geog tmr...
i know u wont see your blog at least for few days.....sooooooooooooo...
wish u all the best for your tests....
and dont shui le lah...
PS..ha ha..sorry for hking your account again...
i dont know u havnt change your passwrod eh....
ha ha....but..its pretty cool..ha ha...
u-know -who-i-am
tian cheng rox | 4:35 AM | commentlink

Sunday, August 28, 2005

ha gud luck for my tmr examzz~~
haha, yesterday i studi for that whole nite to prepare for my tmr ss exam,now got confidence alreadi,,, i tink to score high marks is impossible but a pass should be ok....
tmr gota the e maths paper one also,that one should be no problem....haha,all the best for my exam......
tian cheng rox | 6:00 PM | commentlink

Friday, August 26, 2005

english paper
Today i juzz finisht the english paper,,i tink paper one i did not bad but paper two damn lousi,dun noe why ,the passage is quite simple...
dun wan to tink about thez exam ani more,next week still got social studies and e geog, has a lot to
tian cheng rox | 6:43 PM | commentlink

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tmr is the the first paper of my prelims......muzzt do a gud job....
wanna get to a gud jc......
tian cheng rox | 6:08 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

no title
long time havent update my blog ,my prelim is approaching.the first paper will be the day after tmr,now i dun noe what is my feeling actualli, i tink i am not nurvers at all,but i also tink that i am not well prepared also....dun noe how to face the examsss...
besides that ,now in financial problem,have to seek help from my parents alreadi,dun wan to do that actualli.......
tian cheng rox | 11:00 AM | commentlink

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

u realli didnt change your password..
ha ha..sorry for hk your account again...haha...
pls..tke note of following stuffs....
1st..18/08 is my sis de bdae....haha..
2nd..go and change my link name to
my trademark name pig..change lah..ok?
thx...ha ha...
and all the best for your loneli..qi xi....ha ha...good...nitz.....and...sweet dreams...
tian cheng rox | 8:38 AM | commentlink

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

national day.....
today is national day,,this nite i went to Marina South to see the fireworks performance.....Erm the fireworks r quite nice,but the time too short .just lazzz for 4or 5minutes onli....
Then the concert is realli lousy......before the super stars dun noe who the hell were singing over there...and even sang a lot of lousi songs......
but the super stars de performance is realli good. very sian cannot finish watching the show.........
Even that ho,just get back to hostel 15mins after the curfew, still get scolded by june
bu actualli today is quite a nice day.......haha..
tian cheng rox | 11:30 PM | commentlink

Friday, August 05, 2005

wonderful book
today i have finisht reading a very wonderful book.1995至2005夏至末。This is one of the books i have ever read before....
i love the two main character in the book ,their style of lives is the one that i am looking for.Even though the ending of the book iz so sad,but i still tink that thes kind of stories is happening everywhere around us. after reading the book ,erm i dun realli noe how to describe my feeling,its not realli sad, nor happi.i tink its been too involved in that story,and of course dun wanna see that kind of ending eventualli.......

Erm thez few days i am mass reaing the books,yesterday i have finisht reading Harry Potter and the Order of the finish thez book.Both make me very invovled in their stories.....
Now gotta a very strange feeling about all the things surrounding.........
tian cheng rox | 10:59 PM | commentlink

Thursday, August 04, 2005

tian cheng rox | 3:08 AM | commentlink

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

my love.........

差点夺得世界杯、差点在国家队告别赛上战胜西班牙、差点在意甲诀别战中进球……一生中充满无数个“差点”的巴乔遗憾而又光荣地引退了挥舞着队长袖标的巴乔,洒泪告别绿茵场。  本报讯马拉多纳走了,带走了他的足球艺术;巴斯滕走了,带走了他的疲惫;克林斯曼走了,带走了他的狂放;坎通纳走了,带走了他的不羁;巴蒂走了,带走了他的斗志;现在巴乔走了,他带走了一个属于忧郁的时代,带走了人们对深蓝眼神的无限怀念。一个从来不会被记忆泯灭的“现象”,一个永远会被时空所记载的球场精灵就这样告别了绿茵……就像风中那最后一盏蜡烛。  “巴乔虽然人已离去,但你的激情将永驻我心”,“足球是唯一的,巴乔是属于我们的”,“巴乔!谢谢你的205个进球”,“巴乔永远向前”,“无以颂诗,因为没有人能够为你写下诗篇,巴乔你是意大利的骄傲”,“巴乔,你在逝去岁月里赢得的荣誉将永驻我心”,5月16日的圣西罗球场到处都是球迷为巴乔打出的横幅。比赛在进行着,但主角却只有一个人———罗伯特·巴乔。也许正像意大利媒体赛后评价的那样,“巴乔故事并不能用文字来叙述。他也许是这个世界上最后的一位浪漫主义球员。你好,罗比!谢谢你带来的一切。”  诀别战差点进球  坦率地讲,当天圣西罗球场的8万名观众并没有见到那个魔力渗尽到血液中的巴乔。在强大的米兰后防线面前,巴乔很少觅到良机组织进攻。加图索的贴身防守切断了巴乔与前锋线的联系。但就是在这样的情况下,巴乔依然利用有限的机会为队友们创造着良机。第12分钟,巴乔在中路甩开皮尔洛,右脚外侧一弹,马图扎伦跟进杀入禁区小角度射门偏出。15分钟过后,布雷西亚球场左侧赢得任意球,巴乔缓步走到球前,人们期待的“奇迹”的诞生。观众在巴乔还没有开出球之前就已经开始有节奏的为其鼓掌。罚出球的刹间,他们更是整齐的喊出口号。球重重的打在门框之上,阿比亚蒂做出扑球动作。这时候,人们多么希望“如果”出现,如果巴乔的球角度再大一点,如果球打在门柱内侧……可惜略显残酷的现实还是将人们拉回到现实中来。第69分钟,巴乔与同伴连续两次撞墙配合,马图扎伦接应他的回传球将球打入,同样看台上传来的是阵阵掌声。  第83分钟,伤感的时刻终于到来。巴乔被替换下场,他享受到了几乎与“主场”毫无二致的待遇。马尔蒂尼走上前来对这位老朋友送出深情的拥抱。主帅德比亚西和布雷西亚队中的每一位队友、工作人员都与巴乔握手告别。随后,巴乔来到AC米兰队的席位上,与安切洛蒂和其他球员都一一道别。蜂拥过来的记者当然也不会放过这一镜头,而临近看台上的球迷更是纷纷起身,对巴乔的离别送出最后的掌声。他们知道,以后恐怕不会再有这样的机会了。满含着热泪,巴乔走进了球员通道,意甲联赛对于他来说已经结束了。  巴乔的魅力已经超越了国界,赛前巴乔就收到了来自全世界球迷寄往布雷西亚的礼物。在最后一次出现在布雷西亚训练场之前,他甚至穿上了日本球迷寄来的和服出现在更衣室。从小城布雷西亚涌来300多名球迷特意来看巴乔的最后一堂训练课。  离愁别绪笼罩米兰城  不仅布雷西亚,米兰城也以一种特别的方式来为巴乔意甲的最后之旅道别。除了在看台上悬挂标语之外,比赛开始前伦巴蒂大区的行政长官弗米戈尼将象征终身成就的“10号银盘”送到巴乔手中以表彰他19年来对意大利足球的贡献。而圣西罗的球场广播员在介绍巴乔的时候,还隆重地介绍道:“他今天就将和联赛说再见”。这在圣西罗的历史上是第二次,除此之外只有当年的“铁闸”巴雷西享受过这样的“待遇”。  “巴乔别走!”《米兰体育报》的记者动情的这样写道。“联赛进球已经超过200个,帮助布雷西亚成功保级,在热那亚诀别国家队。在意大利最负盛名的圣西罗球场,巴乔走完了职业生涯的最后一站。完美的再见,意大利将永久地失去他们的10号———罗伯特·巴乔。”  “今天是一个动情时刻,所有的一切都来得美极了。我要特别感谢那些米兰的球迷,他们莫大的支持让我感动至极。”巴乔在圣西罗留下英雄泪。
tian cheng rox | 1:33 AM | commentlink

Erm, today is a nice day.....every thing goes quite well and got sth happy happens...haha
yesterday nite someone suddenli cry in front of me,realli make me very frustrated,ai i am quite afraid of such things to happen.......
i tink we should not press on ourselves so much sometimes take it easili is also good for us...
haha u should noe rite?
tian cheng rox | 1:29 AM | commentlink

Monday, August 01, 2005

good starting.....
today is a fine day.. my chemistry finalli come back to a A le....haha god bless..
gotta three more weeks to prelim.. i still have a lot of things to do but now i am more
confident than before...
tmr got one more chem test... should work hard on it le.....
today is monday, it is the first day that chialin is not in the school, havent get used to that yet.
a good friend left is realli a big pity.... especialli when two of them left at the same time,and it will be very difficult to see them again...........

btw,why my blog now become a forum liao, got Catherinez' self introduction even...
tian cheng rox | 7:30 PM | commentlink

this is catherine.......

this is catherine..... i am 6 years old... i am in new town primary school...1 form teacher is ms low... she is very pretty..i love favourite teacher is mrs diong..she is my phonics teacher...i love to go to wild wild wet...with i got english tuition in school..thats all. i like to drink ice lemon tea.....l like to eat loh mee...tahts all about me....
by catherine
tian cheng rox | 12:41 AM | commentlink

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